Thursday, July 7, 2011

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) | Pandu 2011 | July 2011

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) was established under Government Regulation no. 56 in 1991 with a deed of Notary Imas Fatimah SH. 1 dated December 1, 1992 as stipulated in the Supplement to Official Gazette No. Rl. 8612 of 1994, as well as recent changes announced in the Supplement to Official Gazette dated January 2, 1999 Rl No. 1.

The full name of the company is PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I abbreviated PT. Ports I, headquartered in Jalan Krakatau Ujung No.. 20 241 100 Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

In the Dutch colonial period the company was named Haven Badrift. Later after independence in 1945 till Rl 1950 the company's status as the Port Bureau. In 1960 s.d. 1969 Port of service turned into a State Owned Company with the status of the Port State Port abbreviated as PN.

In the period 1969 s.d. PN 1983 Port of the Port Authority turned into institutions as the National Ports Concession abbreviated CPP.

In 1983 under Government Regulation no. 11 1983 National Ports Concession converted into Company Common Port I abbreviated Perumpel I.

Based on Government Regulation no. 56 In 1991 Perumpel I changed the status to PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I domiciled and headquartered in Medan. Based on Government Regulation no. 2001 64 th position, duties and authority of the Minister of Finance as shareholder in the Limited / PerseroanTerbatas transferred to the Minister of SOEs.

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) operating in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Riau, North Sumatra, Riau Islands and the need to employ waveguides with the following explanation.

Tenaga Pandu
Closing Date : 20 July 2011

I. Requirements
Technical Guidance operational in the hands of the Department of Transportation and conducted by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation.
  • Maximum age 35 years by August 1, 2011
  • Certified expert sailor nautical minimal ANT III
  • The experience of sailing as a skipper at least 3 (three) years
  • Fluent in English (Active)
  • Minimum height 162 cm
  • Healthy and Drug-free
  • No color blindness and normal vision (no glasses and positive or negative)
  • Willing to be bond
  • Willing to be placed in the region I work PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero)
II. For those who are interested can submit an application by attaching:
  • Curriculum vitae (curriculum vitae)
  • Copy of diploma legalized
  • Copy of valid ID card
  • Copy of seaman book
  • Copy of birth certificate / letter knew that legalized birth
  • Copy of Description Period of Sailing and training certificates owned kepelautan
  • Health certificate from doctor
  • Latest photograph size 4 x 6, 4 (four) pieces
III. Participants who passed the selection will be included in training for prospective students Pandu + 8 (eight) months with education and accommodation expenses borne by the company.

Application Procedure:
The following cover letter attachments to be sent via postal mail and applications must be addressed to:
Tim Penerimaan Calon Siswa Pandu
PO. BOX 2216
Medan 20000
Download Full Information in Bahasa:
Please visits the following link to download full information in Bahasa Indonesia.