Sunday, May 8, 2011

PT Pertamina (Persero) | BPA Program for D3 Fresh Graduates | May 2011

PT Pertamina (Persero). Opportunities within Pertamina are extremely wide because we operate such a diverse set of businesses: Exploration & Production, Refining, Distribution to Marketing of products, and geothermal. The efforts of our employees, at every level, contribute daily to the transformation of the company and the achievement of our strategic goals.

At Pertamina, we invest in our future by investing in you. We are investing more than ever before in cultivating young talents, future leaders, with the task of steering Pertamina through the challenges ahead. We are also committed to advanced research and development, driven by cutting-edge technology.

A vital element in the transformation is a change in our culture. We are committed to continuously develop performance-focused culture. We give you the same opportunity to develop ideas, creativity, and innovation. We give you the opportunity to unleash your potential. We sure that you can give the best performance to the company.

We recruit talents and potential employees from fresh graduates - Program for graduate starter as Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA). These programs provide class room, on-the-job training, a support network and an introduction to our company, our business and our values.

  1. BPA-General Affairs
  2. BPA Marketing & Trading Sumatera Bagian Utara
  3. BPA Marketing & Trading Sumatera Bagian Selatan
  4. BPA Marketing & Trading Jawa Bagian Barat
  5. BPA Marketing & Trading Jawa Bagian Tengah
  6. BPA Marketing & Trading Jawa Bagian Timur – Bali Nusa Tenggara
  7. BPA Marketing & Trading Kalimantan
  8. BPA Marketing & Trading Sulawesi
  9. BPA Marketing & Trading Maluku Papua
  10. BPA Finance Sumatera Bagian Selatan
  11. BPA Finance Jawa Bagian Barat
  12. BPA Finance Jawa Bagian Tengah
  13. BPA Finance Jawa Bagian Timur – Bali Nusa Tenggara
  14. BPA Finance Kalimantan
  15. BPA Finance Sulawesi
  16. BPA Finance Maluku Papua
  17. BPA Finance Kantor Pusat
  18. BPA Refinery Unit II (Dumai)
  19. BPA Refinery Unit III (Plaju)
  20. BPA Refinery Unit IV (Cilacap)
  21. BPA Refinery Unit V (Balikpapan)
  22. BPA Refinery Unit VI (Balongan)
  23. BPA Refinery Kantor Pusat

Job Description:
  • Following a comprehensive education program in Practical Guidance Program Specialist (BPA), which will have a combination of education in the classroom and OJT (Internship Program).
  • Studying the dynamics of the company's overall business processes, make observations and analysis of field conditions.
  • Doing improvement of processes and development tools that can accelerate and streamline business processes.
Job Requirements:
  • Education Diploma 3 (D3)
  • Higher Education and Programs / Study Program A accreditation preferred
  • Maximum Age 24 Year (Year 2011)
  • GPA minimum 2.75 (scale of 4)
  • A minimum TOEFL score of 400 for Affiliated Institutions issued by ETS (Educational Testing Service) or 425 to score issued by other agencies.

Online Application:
For those interested candidates, please use the following link to apply online.
Registration Period: 07 - 16 May 2011
Online Application Pertamina